Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Email Filtering

Email filtering is the processing of e-mail to organize it according to specified criteria. Most often this refers to the automatic processing of incoming messages, but the term also applies to the intervention of human intelligence in addition to artificial intelligence, and to outgoing emails as well as those being received.

Email filtering software inputs email. For its output, it might pass the message through unchanged for delivery to the user's mailbox, redirect the message for delivery elsewhere, or even throw the message away. Some mail filters are able to edit messages during processing.


Repetitious Meanings

Spam (electronic), unsolicited or undesired bulk electronic messages. There are many types of electronic spam, including
E-mail spam, unsolicited e-mail
Mobile phone spam, unsolicited text messages
Forum spam, posting advertisements or useless posts on a forum
Spamdexing, manipulating a search engine to create the illusion of popularity for webpages
Spam in blogs, posting random comments or promoting commercial services to blogs, wikis, guestbooks
Newsgroup spam, advertisement and forgery on newsgroups
Messaging spam ("SPIM"), use of instant messenger services for advertisement or even extortion
Spam (computer game), to repeatedly use one weapon or tactic. This term is based on the technological meaning of "undesired bulk electronic message"
Flyposting ("street spam"), illegal blanket advertising in public places


Spam originally referred to SPAM, a canned meat product sold by the Hormel Foods Corporation. Since then, many other uses of the term have emerged.

Spam (Monty Python), a Monty Python comedy sketch. The "Spam" in the sketch refers specifically to the meat. Most later uses of "spam" refer in one way or another to undesirable repetition, and this sketch is considered to be the most likely source of such uses of the term.